- November 13, 2022
- Posted by: Yoga With Srinatha
- Category: Yoga

Yoga is a majestic science with a number of benefits that affect us on all levels – whether mental, physical or spiritual. Yoga is one of the very few sciences that require such a small space and almost no equipment. While Yoga has been associated with gaining flexibility and agility in the body, the even prettier thing is that it also works on increasing muscle strength and building balance. Muscle strength is directly associated with improving the density of the bones, boosting metabolic rate, and increasing mental health. Hence, including a sequence that is focused on building strength and balance is the ideal way to stay in shape while staying strong. Here, we will discuss the perfect yoga sequence that you can follow for inculcating mental, physical strength and balance in your body. And this does not require going to the gym. Phew! that is a drive and traffic saved. Isn’t it?
Want to delve deeper into the benefits of yoga? Go with the specialized Ashtanga Yoga program at the best yoga school in Mysore. A 200 hour Ashtanga Yoga course in Mysore is the ideal one to gain more expertise in achieving mental and physical benefits along with learning the theoretical aspects of Yoga in India.
Mountain Pose or Tadasana
It looks like one of the simplest yoga poses, but it is really not. The variations with which it is performed differently according to the benefits the yogi is aiming to attain along with the expertise level of the yogi as well. An amazing posture to build balance, and centeredness, and to strengthen your entire lower body, this is one of the foundational poses in yoga. Stand on your mat with your feet hip-width apart. Gently rock on both feet till your body weight is equally balanced on both legs and you are able to stand still without losing balance. Now, push your feet firmly into the ground and without moving your middle body and lower body, lift your sternum towards the ceiling. Feel a deep stretch in your body, and take a few deep breaths before repeating the pose up to 10 times.
Revolved Side Angle Pose or Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
This is an amazing twist yoga pose for strengthening the spine and building overall strength and stability in the body. However, it is ideal for experienced yogis only since it is a complex pose.
The pose has variations that can be applied as per the need and convenience. Let’s discuss one of the basic variations of the revolved side-angle yoga pose. Come into a lunge pose and bend your left knee at a 90-degree angle while aligning the knee to the center of the right ankle. In other words, the right thigh would be parallel to the floor. Lift the upper body and the arms towards the sky. Take a few deep breaths. Place your palms in Anjali Mudra and twist your body at the waist such that the right elbow touches the left shin and the palms gently graze the breasts. Repeat this with the other leg and side.
Side Plank Yoga or Vasisthasana
This is an intense yoga pose that works on strengthening your obliques, core, and the rest of the upper body. Come in a side plank position – right arm below the right shoulder and legs stacked feet on feet. You can rest your elbow on the mat if building balance is a little tough right now. Pull your stomach inwards and lift your arm and leg upwards. The arm should be straight and the legs can be lifted to the desired comfort level without losing balance. Repeat this on the other side.
Crow Pose or Kakasana
An amazing pose for building upper body strength and should be performed under supervision if you are a yoga nube. If you gain expertise in this pose, then consider yourself arriving at your destination in terms of both strength and balance. Come into a squat position first. Next, place your palms on the floor in front of your feet about shoulder-distance apart. Put your body weight onto the balls of your feet and start lifting your hips upwards. Gradually bring your knees towards the arms. Gently tilt the torso lower to fit your upper body into your shoulders. Press your knees against the upper arms.
Continue to press your chest forward until elbows and wrists are in the same line and you can feel your body, the center of gravity itself making a shift. Lift your heels towards your hips. Try to balance the asana and remain in the pose for a couple of breaths before gently coming down to the initial position.
Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Lie on your back on the mat. Fold your right leg and then your left leg at the knees and then rest your arms on each side of your body. Slowly lift the body at the waist towards the ceiling while inhaling. Lift it till you can or till your body neck forms a 45-degree angle to the torso. Exhale. Stay in the form for a few seconds. Add more variation to the pose by trying to hold the ankle on each side with the respective palm. Release the back to its initial position. Repeat this pose up to 10 times.
Dolphin Pose or Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
Come into a plank position. Now slowly begin to walk your feet towards the upper body such that your hips are elevated towards the ceiling (similar to downward dog yoga pose). Keep your elbows grounded on the mat while you are taking the position akin to a downward dog pose. If you are unable to hold up the hip and feel your hamstrings are too tight, then you can bend your knees a bit while making sure that your heels keep touching the floor. Maintain a hip-width distance between both feet. Push the chest towards your thighs a bit and stay in the position for up to 5 breaths. Gently bring the knee to touch the floor. Rest.