500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
The (master level certified) 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course in Mysore, India is a complete package to become a masterful teacher an also to deepen you knowledge and practice . this course is the combination of 200 hours and 300 hours . At yoga with srinatha you are taught to be unique and creative while honouring the scared wisdom of traditional yoga as means is a light, which once lit will never dim, the better your practice ,the brighter the flame quoted by BKS Iyengar . this course featured functional anatomy, adjustment and alignment lectures, yoga philosophy, Ayurveda, pranayama ,ashtanga yoga primary and intermediate series, hatha yoga beginner and advanced sequence and me meditation to discover your inner nature
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga yoga primary and intermediate series sequence developed by K. pattabhi jois, In 500hours yoga Teacher training course we teach our students the basics foundation of Ashtanga yoga and also guide them through the completely Ashtanga yoga series in a systematically way so that they developed the confidence to practice or teach ashtanga yoga classes. The course includes primary series, Intermediate series, sun salutation A and B, standing and seated sequence postures ,finishing sequence postures, Mysore style ashtanga yoga , how to do asana with Iyengar method( uses of props) and most important teaching practice which will able to take classes effectively.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is a very powerful tool for self transformation, it is a branch of yoga that acquires all round approach to both body and mind . RYT 500 hour yoga teacher training course is like a dictionary to our students where you find the deeper ways on how to improve your postures and knowledge, how to lock your bandhas and how they work in each asana ,how to activate your panchaprana and chakras . you are also taught how to perform sun salutations, standing and balancing postures, prone postures, supine postures, backbends and inversion with correct alignment and awareness.
Pranayama is a subtle process through which one can gain control over his/her inner energies. These process are thought in the depth as prana is brought under conscious control. Conscious control of prana gives us freedom from all our physical and mental limitations. Students at yoga with srinatha will practice various pranayama methods to bring prana to every part of the brain, thereby improving your mental balance and stability.
As per Ayurveda, the physiology and anatomy of the human body is based on Doshas, Dhatus and Malas. In this ancient science, Doshas means Humors, Dhatus means Tissues, and Malas means Wastes. These are the three major principles which are greater than the physical substance of human anatomy and supports all of life. Tridoshas are three Doshas of the physical energies or humors. Through our Ayurveda classes you going to learn how to balance your dosha and what yoga asana is suitable according to the body type, how you can balance your diet and also learn about cooking remedies for common health diseases
Meditation awakens the state of being yourself. It is a way to achieve your goals .we all need to reminded to check in with our being .we are bombarded with information about what others say we need. Instead why not sit with yourself and meditate. Students at our yoga Shala are guided upon the various types of mediation by which you learn to gain new perspective on stressful situations, self awareness, balancing emotions, increases mindfulness, creativity ,patience and tolerance .
Yoga Anatomy
Yoga anatomy is the important ingredient of asana teaching these days . by having the knowledge of yoga anatomy you get to know a lot about your body structure and movements . Similar you learn about the right adjustment , alignment and anatomical benefits of a posture. this 500hours yoga teacher training course will give you a glimpse on how anatomy works in a posture, what is right and wrong for your body type , how you can design your practice depending on your body limitation and most importantly how you can treat your students who have been suffering from physio problems.
Yoga philosophy is a reason to realise and relate yourself to the world. it help you to balance the emotional and spiritual state of being and Transend suffering and turmoil of life. This course includes detailed profound insights of Vedanta. Detailed discourse of Patanjali yoga sutra included all the four chapters- samadhi paada, sadhana paada ,vibuti paada ,kaivalya paada . Decoding the secrets of Upanishad ,understanding nadis and chakra theory .
500 hours is a master level yoga teacher training course in Mysore, India. This course will not only enhance your knowledge about yoga but also improve your skills it is pool for you dive in deeper into yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy, Ayurveda ,pranayama and chakra. You will have the working knowledge of asana so that you can confidently teach a yoga class. Our Shala, yoga with Srinath believes that you have to find harmony and balance even in a city and the heritage city Mysore also named as yognagari will give you the perfect environment to study ,learn and practice yoga in a beautiful and active place in order to reshape your life style.
6:00 – 7:30am – Hatha Yoga
8:00- 9:00am – Pranayama.
9:00am – Breakfast
10;00 – 11:00am – Yoga philosophy/Ayurveda
11:30 – 2:00pm – Methodology
2:00pm – Lunch
4:00 to 5:00pm – Yoga Anatomy/yoga philosophy
5.30- 7:00pm – Ashtanga
7:00-8:00pm – Meditation
500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course FEES - 2025
DATES | Private Room with Shared Bathroom | BOOK NOW |
2 January to 28 February | $2500 USD | $2500 USD |
2 March to 30 April | $2500 USD | $2500 USD |
2 May to 30 June | $2500 USD | $2500 USD |
2 July to 31 August | $2500 USD | $2500 USD |
2 September to 30 October | $2500 USD | $2500 USD |
3 November to 30 December | $2500 USD | $2500 USD |