300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
This 300 Hour yoga alliance USA certified advanced teacher training course is an incredible toolkit for those who want to deepen their practice and enhance their Yogic knowledge while improving the teaching skills.
During the course, strong emphasises is given to the key alignment and anatomical structures of various asanas to make you a practitioner and yoga teacher who understand and teach yoga with extreme safety.
You will learn the advance version of Meditation, Pranayama and Philosophy making you a Sadhakaand a yoga professional,enriched with mindfulness and authentic knowledge of the lifestyle of Yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course covers the practice of primary to intermediate series of Ashtanga Yoga. Each asana with its Sanskrit name is explained deeply. Our sessions are focused on making our students understand the intelligent way of using muscles and the breath work. With very easy approach, you will understand the sequencing and the principles of Ujjai Breath, Dhristi and the Bandhas, which are the most important elements of Ashtanga Yoga practice. We will discuss how the posture is developed as per your limitations and strengths while using the yoga props, the benefits and contradictions. These incredible sessions can do wonders and give deeper meaning of the yoga practice to the dedicated yoga sadhakas or practitioners.
Hatha Yoga
The term Hatha is derived from the word ‘Hasti’ which means Elephant. In the Vedic culture, Elephant is sacred symbol of peace, mental health and power. The objective of Hatha practice is to become peaceful and strong, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Yoga With Srinatha’s 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training covers intensive study of Hatha yoga practices, suitable for those who are practicing yoga for few months to those who have spent years in this practice. It is the best course for those who are interested in developing their teaching skills to a higher level. We teach as per the ancient principles and techniques, emphasising on correct alignment of Asanas and Pranayama practice to purify and clear the subtle energies (nadis). The combination of these practices led to sense-withdrawal (Pratyahara), Concentration (Dharana), Meditation (Dhyana) and union leading to object meditation (Samadhi).
In this yoga alliance certified training, we harness the habit of intensity, stability, clarity and gratitude in your yoga sadhana. At the end of the training, the students will be able to perform a series of Hatha asanas with variations and modifications and can teach and demonstrate the steps required to form the pose in a healthy way.
Pranayama is a breathing work performed with the series of inhalation and exhalation in the conscious manner in order to balance mind and emotions. I t improves the circulation of blood in our brain and body and regulates the functioning of our endocrine glands which helps us in our posture while practising . There is no activity more noteworthy than pranayama for the removal of obstruction to waste expulsion. By doing the various types of pranayama, all the dross matter of the body, mind and sense dries up. It clears and balances the Pancha Vayus – Apana, Samana, Prana, Udana and Vyana.
Teaching Methodology
Teaching methodology in this advanced yoga teacher training course will nurture the student in a certain way on how to take classes and polish your teaching skills. how you can become a yoga teacher with all the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge you gain in a yoga teacher training course. Students at yoga with Srinatha Learn about teaching skills such as group dynamics, time management, establishment of priorities and boundaries.
Yoga Anatomy
The Anatomy classes in this advance yoga teacher training will give you all the tools and knowledge about the body structure and how it moves. You will learn about the engagement of various muscles, joints and organs, their positions, the stretches and the contractions that happen during the formations of any yoga asana. Understanding all this in details, will help you to be conscious about your body movement, understanding the restrictions or openness. This will improve your alignment and avoid the injuries. After successful completion of this yoga course, you will be able to identify stiff muscles and help your students to focus on needed area to release the muscles. Using this knowledge, you can intelligently design your practice and teaching with confidence.
Yoga Philosophy
Yoga has a strong philosophical roots to the ancient scripture like Vedas, Bhagwat Geeta and Upanishad – the mind, body and spirit are all one and cannot be separated. The goal of yoga philosophy is not simple serenity, it is to expand our capacity to hold the entire spectrum of our human experience with grace. Yoga sutra of Patanjali succinctly outlines the art of science of yoga mediation for self realization. In our 300 hours TTC we breakdown the vast philosophy of yoga into easy and simple lectures.
Meditation is a process of realizing your true nature so that you can relate yourself to the world.it is the means of attaining of self-elevation and bliss of liberated existence and experiencing a spiritual spark and divine feeling will fill you with faith. By practicing mediation you are able to supply such a quantum of energy and awaken the genius in an average individual. yoga with Srinatha assure your meditation to be more mindful and deeply connected to the self by centring yourself to the inner nature. Meditation classes in this 300 Hour yoga teacher training, will make you more mindful and deeply connected to your inner self.
Ayurveda is considered as the sister science of yoga. In the spiritual evolution of a man, Ayurveda is the foundation and yoga is the body. it is necessary to understand Tridosha in order to experience the practice of yoga according to suitable body types. It also includes Ahara(the food) vihara(how to live) vichara (the thought) on which your whole lifestyle is based. At Yoga With Srinatha, we teach how to involve Ayurveda in our daily life, Ayurveda cooking remedies for common diseases and diet planning according to different types of body.
300 hours Yoga Teacher Training course in incredible toolkit which enlightens you with the knowledge about ancient scripture, yogic science of breathing, Ayurveda method of cooking, yoga anatomy for better understanding of adjustment and alignment , ashtanga intermediate series , hatha yoga, Iyengar yoga and most importantly rejuvenate your mind and soul through various methods of mediation. At yoga with srinatha . we guide our students to create a path of health and well-being that will be fun and beneficial for the rest of your life! 300hours yoga Teachers training program is only for serious yoga sadhakas wanting to improve their technical skills. This training program will build your confidence and help you find your voice as yoga teacher.
6:00 – 7:30am – Hatha Yoga
8:00- 9:00am – Pranayama.
9:00am – Breakfast
10;00 – 11:00am – Yoga philosophy/Ayurveda
11:30 – 2:00pm – Methodology
2:00pm – Lunch
4:00 to 5:00pm – Yoga Anatomy/yoga philosophy
5.30- 7:00pm – Ashtanga
7:00-8:00pm – Meditation
8:00pm – Dinner
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course FEES - 2025
DATES | Private Room with Shared Bathroom | BOOK NOW |
2 January to 30 January | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
1 February to 28 February | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
2 March to 30 March | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
2 April to 30 April | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
2 May to 30 May | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
2 June to 30 June | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
2 July to 30 July | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
3 August to 31 August | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
2 September to 30 September | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
2 October to 30 October | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
3 November to 30 November | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |
2 December to 30 December | $1500 USD | $1500 USD |