200 hours Ashtanga yoga and Hatha yoga Teacher Training Course
The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course at Yoga With Srinatha touches on all the area of foundations of Yogic Lifestyle and practice of Ashtanga vinyasa and hatha yoga and also give the confidence and embodied practice. Certified with yoga alliance, this course helps you to observe yourself deeply, the changes on how you think, feel and act. It gives you a clear vision of what you do on mat transpose into your experiences and frame your mind and life off the mat as well. Our comprehensive yoga teacher training course includes ashtanga yoga, hatha yoga, pranayama, anatomy, philosophy and teaching methodology. Our 200 hour yoga teacher training course is suitable for all level of yoga sadhaka or practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge and practice and also wish to pursue yoga as a profession
Ashtanga Yoga
Being located at Mysore, known as the ashtanga yoga capital of the world, YogaWithSrinatha offers authentic Mysore style Ashtanga Yoga in the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. The Ashtanga teachers of our school are dedicated Ashtanga sadhakas who teach the students with the sole objective to deliver the authentic experience as per ancient texts and techniques. In this course you will learn a creative and intelligent series with the use of bandhas and Drishti and proper alignment.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga was introduced to the western audience by Indian guru in mid 19th century. This form of yoga is traditionally defined as the means of attaining a state of yoga through force (hatha). It is the practice of cultivating physical health and mental well being through a series of postures, pranayama and dhyana. These techniques together help to attain the balance between body and mind or sun and moon. In the RYT200 course, We believe in keeping the essence of hatha yoga in a way that brings proper balance , stability, flexibility and strength to our students and also teach them how to relax in a pose rather than reaching the pose.
Prana means life and Yama means control. The practice of pranayama involves breathing techniques such as nadi sodha pranayama, sithali pranayama, ujjayi pranayama, kapalabharti, bhastrika pranayama, bramari pranayama, AnuLoma villoma and sheetkari pranayama. we teach about the science of Yogic breathing. Taking a breath is the first and the last action, which all living beings do in their lifetime that’s why it is important to have quality and conscious breathing.
Teaching Methodology
Teaching methodology is all about polishing the skills of students on how you can become a yoga teacher with all the theoretical and practical knowledge you gain in a yoga teacher training course. Students at yoga with Srinatha Learn about teaching skills such as group dynamics, time management, establishment of priorities and boundaries.
Yoga Anatomy
Yoga anatomy as become one of the valuable source for yoga practitioner all over the world. It helps in the better understanding of the interactions muscle, joints ,nervous system movement and breathing in a pose . It creates awareness on how an individual can practice injury free and safely according to his/her body type.
Yoga Philosophy
Gain an awe-inspiring and liberating understanding of the history and philosophy of yoga and Vedanta. Transform your fundamental relationship to life in a profoundly positive way which leads us to happiness that transforms into deep and long lasting contentment, health that keeps our bodies and minds vital and vibrant. Peace that not only manifests within ourselves but also with the world around us.
Meditation is not just ordinary concentration but a special type of internal concentration meditation. Each path of sadhana begins in a different way and every path has a stage which corresponds to mediation. Patanjali’s yoga begins with purification of mind, posture and breath control followed by withdrawal of the mind from external objects pratyahara and fixing the mind dharana at a particular centre. Then comes meditation (dhyana )
Ayurveda has history of more than 5000 years originating in India. it was emerged to make making achieve healthy body through ayurvedic cooking styles and healthy mind and it continues to render this great service which mainly focus on healing prevention and health care. According to ayurveda the whole universe is made up of basic five elements called as panchamabhutas.
200-hour yoga teacher training course is a wonderful metamorphosis for any yoga practitioner or health enthusiast. The syllabus of this Yoga Alliance Certified course includes the practice of primary series of Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga Asana, Pranayama or Yogic Breathing, Yoga Anatomy, Ancient Yogic philosophy of yoga sutra, \meditation, mantra chanting, teaching methodology, components of hatha yoga shatkarmas (purifications) mudras ( manipulation of vital energy), Iyengar yoga method (uses of props) and Ayurveda. The detail study of these subjects not only will make your foundation strong in the yogic lifestyle, but also improve your life inside and outside. You will be guided by our dedicated and experienced yoga teachers who believe in sharing the light of yoga with sincerity, keeping the authenticity of the practices. The well managed curriculum of 200 hour YTT at YogaWithSrinatha develops your mind, body and soul in the very positive way, making you confident and authentic yoga teacher.
6:00 – 7:30am – Hatha Yoga
8:00- 9:00am – Pranayama.
9:00am – Breakfast
10;00 – 11:00am – Yoga philosophy/Ayurveda
11:30 – 2:00pm – Methodology
2:00pm – Lunch
4:00 to 5:00pm – Yoga Anatomy/yoga philosophy
5.30- 7:00pm – Ashtanga
7:00-8:00pm – Meditation
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course FEES - 2025
DATES | Private Room with Shared Bathroom | BOOK NOW |
2 January to 30 January | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
1 February to 28 February | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
2 March to 30 March | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
2 April to 30 April | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
2 May to 30 May | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
2 June to 30 June | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
2 July to 30 July | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
3 August to 31 August | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
2 September to 30 September | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
2 October to 30 October | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
3 November to 30 November | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |
2 December to 30 December | $1200 USD | $1200 USD |